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Frequently asked questions

The neotivCare app is a diagnostic tool that supports the diagnosis of possible diseases. The app can detect memory impairment and provides information on a biomarker profile. (Biomarkers are measurable biological characteristics that can indicate a normal or pathological process in the body).

The app itself never makes a diagnosis and never makes a treatment recommendation. This is provided by your family practitioner or specialist.

Memory problems such as short-term memory or spatial orientation disorders must be discussed with a doctor. The diagnostic process with your doctor can be supported by using neotivCare.

There are a wide range of risk factors to consider when it comes to Alzheimer's prevention. They range from medical factors such as high blood pressure or diabetes to lifestyle factors such as diet, exercise and stress. It is essential to treat medical factors in a personalized manner and to coordinate precautionary lifestyle changes with your family practitioner. This is the only way to ensure healthy and personalized preventative care.

To be able to use neotivCare, you must have a mobile device, i.e. a smartphone or tablet with a touchscreen and compatible operating system (at least Android version 9.0 or iOS version 11.0).

Yes, you can only use the neotivCare app if you have an active connection to the Internet. When using the app, data is transferred which consumes your data volume if used over a mobile network. We therefore recommend establishing a connection to a WLAN network to use the app.

neotivCare is supported by a comprehensive user service. This service can be used via a contact form within the app. Alternatively, you can contact us by email at