Who is neotivCare suitable for?

  • You are over 60 years old.
  • You have had the impression for some time that your memory has deteriorated.
  • You feel that your memory has deteriorated more than that of your peers.

Do these statements apply to you? Then talk to your doctor and have your memory tested with neotivCare.

Why do a memory check with neotivCare?

neotivCare gives you an early indication of whether your memory problems are a normal symptom of old age. The app reliably detects clinically concerning memory problems.

Conventional clinical memory tests are usually not suitable for resolving concerns about memory performance early on. Simple tests for detecting mild cognitive impairment are the so-called paper and pencil tests. These tests are not accurate enough in the early stages of the disease. In addition, demanding test settings in practice can influence the validity of the test results.

Other, more sensitive test procedures are often too complicated and time-consuming to be carried out in a family practice. They are therefore mainly used in specialized memory outpatient clinics. The digital application neotivCare avoids the disadvantages of these standard test procedures. With neotivCare, you get a clear picture of your memory performance at an early stage.

The advantages of neotivCare at a glance

How does neotivCare work?

neotivCare is a mobile application for your smartphone or tablet. The application can be used to clinically assess your memory performance. To do this, you are given three types of memory task. You carry these tasks out independently and in the comfort of your own home, whenever you have time.

The tasks consist of recognizing differences between pictures, or memorizing objects or scenes. After a break, you then have to recall these objects or scenes. The app actively reminds you when the break is over or the next task is due.

You complete the tasks once a week for a total of twelve weeks. This extended assessment period allows for a comprehensive evaluation of your memory performance. Meaning that if you have a bad day or make a mistake, this will not distort the assessment of your overall memory performance.

How do I get my results?

Once you have completed all the memory tasks, you can generate a report via the app. The PDF document is sent to you via e-mail. You can then print out the document or forward it directly to your doctor. Based on the results shown, your doctor can determine whether your memory performance corresponds to the norm for your age group. If your memory performance does not correspond to the norm, further examinations can be arranged. It is possible to use neotivCare again at a later date, for example as a precautionary check-up.

Report of the results

Your memory performance is normal for your age

Note: Always discuss the report with your doctor.

All-clear: normal test results give the all-clear; that your memory is clinically unimpaired. No further examinations are necessary for the time being.

You can repeat the neotivCare tasks to monitor your memory annually. Regular repetition gives at-risk patients long-term reassurance.

A healthy lifestyle is recommended even if the results are normal. It can help to maintain or even improve memory functions.

Your memory performance is below the norm for your age group

Note: Always discuss the report with your doctor.

Further examinations: Your memory performance deviates from the norm for your age. Further examinations by a specialist should be used to clarify the cause for this deviation.

neotivCare supports your doctor in deciding on suitable further examinations, referrals to a specialist and treatment methods.

It is advisable to take lifestyle measures to improve brain health.

How do I access neotivCare?

Prescription, installation, activation

The expenses for neotivCare treatment could often be covered by health insurance providers, but currently only in Germany. If you do not reside in Germany and are interested in using neotivCare, you can contact us directly through the contact form

Once neotivCare has been prescribed by a participating doctor, download the application. To do this, enter "neotivCare" in the search field in the Apple App Store or Google Play Store. Once you have found the app with the orange logo, tap on "Download" or "Install".

Enter the activation code for neotivCare into the app. Once you have registered in the app, you can start completing the memory tasks.

Do you still have questions?

In our FAQ you will find answers to frequently asked questions about neotivCare. If your question is not answered there, simply write to us using the contact form.